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Making Medication Easier

counselling room.heic
Image by Adam Nieścioruk

Are you . . . 

  • Wondering if you're taking too much medication?


  • Taking pills daily but you don't know what they're for or if they're really necessary?


  • Ready to quit smoking and want to talk about medical options?


  • Fed up with hot flashes and vaginal dryness?

You're in the right place

Stephanie's approach to patient care is heavily focused on you - the patient.
During our one-on-one in person or virtual consultations, we talk specifically about your medical conditions, your medications and how they're working for you, and lifestyle changes that are easy for you to implement. 
Stephanie makes your health and medications understandable and actionable. 

Meet with Stephanie virtually or in person to discuss the medications you are taking, why you are taking them, and any possible side effects. 


We can discuss

  • Best times to take your medications

  • Using combination medications to reduce your pill numbers

  • Ways to reduce your medication cost. 

  • Interactions with any natural or herbal products you may be taking.

  • Your bloodwork, blood pressure, and blood sugars to determine how well your medications are working. 


Understand what you're taking and why. 



Stomach Ache

Tired of surviving menopause?

  • Is peri-menopause derailing the lifestyle you had planned for yourself?

  • Are you suffering through symptoms like vaginal dryness and night sweats? 

  • Not sure if hormone therapy is right for you?


Let's talk. Let's talk about what you're experiencing. Could it be peri-menopause? Is there anything you can take or anything you can do? Let's talk about how you can regain control. 


All women have to experience menopause. Let's help you thrive through this chapter of your life instead of simply surviving. 


Menopause clients will be sent a questionnaire to fill out before our consultation to ensure we focus on your specific symptoms and concerns. 


A one-on-one action plan to treat symptoms and help you thrive through menopause. 



Tired of starting over? 


Have you heard about quitting smoking medications but don't know which one is right for you?


Stephanie is a prescribing Pharmacist, and can help you design a quit smoking medication plan that will help you reach your goals. 


We'll discuss:

  • Why you keep smoking

  • What medications (prescription and non-prescription) are available to help you quit

  • Side effects of both medications and quitting smoking and how to reduce them 


A personalized medication plan to help you quit. 



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